ADIPEC a global platform to advance clean energy faster, together

image is Suhail

Held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, ADIPEC 2023 is at the heart of the global dialogue and collective action to decarbonise quicker and future-proof the energy system. In an exclusive interview, His Excellency Suhail Mohamed Al Mazrouei, UAE Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, shares his thoughts on how the world’s most influential energy event will engage the industry this year under the theme of Decarbonising. Faster. Together.

Your Excellency, how is the UAE setting a global benchmark for a prosperous, climate-safe, and clean energy future through the recently updated UAE Energy Strategy 2050?

The UAE has always been a pioneer of adopting policies and strategies that contribute to shaping a more sustainable future at home and globally. We undertook the task of updating the UAE Energy Strategy 2050 to accelerate the energy transition and increase the share of clean energy in our energy mix to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

The strategy reinforces our global vision of sustainable development, and sets ambitious targets for 2030: including increasing the contribution of clean energy generation to 32% of our energy mix, tripling the contribution of renewable energy, and achieving a grid emission factor of 0.27 kg Co2/kWh, making the UAE one of the lowest emitters, compared to the global average.

By reducing carbon emissions and enhancing sustainability, the strategy will contribute to achieving a financial saving of around AED 100 billion, create 50,000 new green jobs by 2030 and provide critical momentum to the net-zero target by 2050. The updated UAE Energy Strategy 2050 therefore positions the country at the forefront of the global energy transition.

How is the UAE taking the lead in decarbonisation initiatives?

The key element in creating a roadmap for a sustainable future lies in addressing the challenges of the energy transition while continuing to meet today’s global energy needs and investing heavily in the clean energy systems of tomorrow. In this regard, the UAE aspires to be a role model for an ambitious yet pragmatic transition to clean energy sources.

Decarbonisation is an essential component of this strategy, and we are seeing transformational progress in this direction in the UAE. Building on its legacy as a responsible global energy pioneer, ADNOC recently became the first company in its peer group globally to accelerate its net-zero target to 2045, and has also allocated $15 billion to low-carbon solutions. The UAE is working proactively to make manufacturing, transportation, and industrial processes more energy-efficient through innovative practices and smart technologies.

Your Excellency, what are your thoughts on the newly launched National Hydrogen Strategy?

The launch of the UAE’s National Hydrogen Strategy couldn’t have come at a better time, as we mark the Year of Sustainability and prepare to host COP28. The National Hydrogen Strategy will position the UAE as a leading producer and supplier of low-carbon hydrogen by 2031. The strategy targets the production of 1.4 million tons of low-emission hydrogen per annum by 2031, out of which 71.4% will be green hydrogen.

By 2050, we aim to increase production tenfold to reach 15 million tons per annum. The strategy is a crucial tool to help the UAE accelerate decarbonisation, achieve its net-zero commitment and help grow the global hydrogen economy.

Taking place ahead of COP28, how critical is the role of ADIPEC this year in driving urgent action towards a more secure and sustainable energy future?

As one of the first countries in the region to ratify the Paris Agreement and as the host nation of COP28, the UAE perceives the global energy transition as a front-and-centre focus for its COP presidency, and is committed to joining forces with the international community to drive collective action to limit global warming.

This year’s ADIPEC will therefore play a more critical role than ever before in accelerating action to decarbonise and deliver energy transitions, bringing the world closer to realising clean energy solutions and opportunities.

As a global platform for promoting decarbonisation efforts, the challenges that ADIPEC will address are relevant not only for its host nation but for the world at large. I am confident that as the UAE prepares to welcome global leaders to COP28 in November, ADIPEC will be the perfect precursor in showcasing game-changing low carbon solutions and facilitating dialogue across the entire energy ecosystem that help deliver a COP of collaborative action, and a COP for all.


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