Uniper's Green Wilhelmshaven projects granted EU recognition for advancing climate neutrality

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This recognition underscores the crucial role these projects play in fostering cross-border energy infrastructure, a vital component in the European Union's roadmap to achieving climate neutrality by 2050

In a significant stride toward Europe's ambitious climate targets, Uniper's hydrogen initiatives in Wilhelmshaven have garnered recognition from the European Commission, marking a pivotal moment in the continent's transition towards sustainable energy.

Uniper's Green Wilhelmshaven Electrolyser and Green Wilhelmshaven Terminal have secured a coveted spot on the list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI) compiled by the European Commission.

This recognition underscores the crucial role these projects play in fostering cross-border energy infrastructure, a vital component in the European Union's roadmap to achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

The selection process for PCI status involved meticulous evaluation, with projects assessed based on various criteria including sustainability, market integration, and implementation progress. Uniper's initiatives stood out for their potential to significantly contribute to sustainability while enhancing market competitiveness and security of energy supply.

Driving Europe’s sustainable energy transition

At the heart of these projects lies the vision to harness renewable energy sources for the production and distribution of green hydrogen.

The Green Wilhelmshaven Electrolyser, boasting a capacity of up to 1 GW, is poised to leverage the region's abundant renewable resources to scale up green hydrogen production. Meanwhile, the "Green Wilhelmshaven Terminal" sets the stage for the import and distribution of renewable ammonia, further bolstering Europe's hydrogen network.

Holger Kreetz, Uniper's Chief Operating Officer, emphasized the company's commitment to driving the energy transition: "As pioneers in the hydrogen economy with over a decade of experience, our ambition is to leverage our position in gas storage and import infrastructure to contribute significantly to the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy.

He added that with this significant recognition from the EU, “we are poised to drive transformation not just for Uniper, but for our customers and the industry as a whole."

The PCI status not only acknowledges the importance of Uniper's endeavors but also unlocks a host of benefits, including streamlined permitting procedures and financial assistance under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). These incentives will expedite project implementation and further catalyze Europe's transition to sustainable energy.


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