Solar Panel Imports to US Hit Record High Before Biden’s Tariff Waiver Ended

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Contractors install solar panels at a renewable energy complex in Rodeo, California.

Solar panel imports to the US from Southeast Asia surged to an all-time high in the second quarter as manufacturers raced to lock in supply before expanded tariffs took effect in June.

Imports climbed to 17.4 gigawatts, led by shipments from Vietnam and Thailand, according to a report Tuesday from S&P Global Market Intelligence. That’s 36% higher than a year earlier, topping the previous record of 15 gigawatts in the fourth quarter of last year. 


Imports have tripled since 2022, when President Joe Biden ordered a two-year waiver on the collection of expanded duties for some solar components from Southeast Asia, which expired in June. The surge in shipments has prompted a group of manufacturers to seek retroactive duties on imported panels and cells as the US International Trade Commission and Commerce Department weigh whether the goods are being dumped in the US at below-market prices.






©2024 Bloomberg L.P.

By Will Wade


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