Uniper puts Krummhörn for hydrogen storage test

image is Uniper (1)

Uniper said they plan to invest around €10 million in the green future project with a storage volume of up to 250,000 m3 hydrogen.

Uniper said on Monday it plans to put the natural gas facility Krummhörn, which has not been used commercially since 2017, to the test for storing hydrogen.

“For this purpose, a new cavern will be sunk using an existing well,” said Uniper in a statement. This storage facility, the German utility,  will be one of the first of its kind and is expected to be operational by 2024. 

Uniper said they plan to invest around €10 million in the green future project with a storage volume of up to 250,000 m3 hydrogen.

 "Uniper has decided to move forward with this project independent of other funded projects in order to test the technology and processes as quickly as possible. Our goal is to develop a storage solution for green hydrogen on a commercial scale and later offer it on the market,” said Doug Waters, Managing Director Uniper Energy Storage. 

The company said that the  capability of green electricity is one of the core issues of the energy transition.


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